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This is the first level of certainty. Knowledge of certainty is gained through profound thinking and reflection as well as the intellectual and logical arguments.The existence of every single thing can be proved in two ways: logical arguments or
through a witness. This is inferior level of certainty because the logical arguments would generate a degree of certainty but the reality would still remain invisible. Likewise no matter how truthful and honest a witness may be, only he would know the reality of the matter and those who hear it from him would not be able to conceive the exact reality. In simple words it is the knowledge which is gained by listening, studying, reasoning, argument, thinking and reflection. A Saint once said that knowledge of certainty is the state
of discord. It is due to this form of knowledge that religious sects have become rampant.

This is the second level of certainty. Its knowledge is gained through unveiling and observing. It is not only felt but also seen. Hence eye of certainty is the knowledge which
can be trusted after it is seen. However it must be remembered that this may involve satanic deception. Many pseudo spiritual guides are at this level and consider themselves
to be elevated men of miracles due to their deceptive observations which are actually the outcome of their lustful worldly desires. They use their power of observing the hidden as
a medium to attract people towards themselves.


This is the most comprehensive knowledge which is gained not only after seeing but also through understanding the reality. When the mirror of one’s inward is cleansed, vision and union of Allah are achieved. Hence all the veils are removed and the ultimate stage is
achieved called truth of certainty.
A Saint stated that truth of certainty is the most comprehensive form of knowledge in terms of Divine Oneness. In the words of Shaikh Junayd of Baghdad:
▪︎ Truth of certainty is that knowledge which is verified through the eye and the person observes the unseen happenings the way he observes things with his eyes. Then he becomes able to inform about the unseen and whatever information he gives is true.
This is the perfect and complete stage of the gnosis of Allah. These three levels can be explained with the help of an example. Let us assume,a person has not seen that fire burns and someone tells him about it, this is the stage of knowledge of certainty. Then that person lights fire in front of him and he witnesses with his eyes that fire burns which elevates the stage to make it eye of certainty. However the stage of truth of certainty is that he gets in contact with the fire, allows it to burn him and feels it burning.Allah says:
Meaning: And worship your Lord till you attain to the station of certainty of faith. (15:99)
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali used to say in explanation of this verse,
“Do such excessive invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat that your certainty reaches perfection (truth of certainty).”
▪︎The three levels of certainty are; knowledge of certainty, eye of certainty and the truth of certainty. These three enlighten the inward of seeker like the sun with the light of
verification and end all the darkness created by disbelief. Certainty means that the seeker follows Allah and the Holy Prophet in every condition whether he is ill or healthy, facing hardships or ease and never returns to the lust of innerself. Such certainty is the medium to reach Allah and is gained by the invocation of shahada.
(Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
▪︎Understand that certainty is the foundation of love, gnosis and desire for Allah as well as of all the levels of invocation, reflection, Divine presence, spiritual inspirations,
closeness of Allah, annihilation and immortality.

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